Sunday 19 August 2012

Random Variable

  • A random variable represents a possible outcome (usually numeric) from a random experiments&amp
    • Let X be random variable for a number of heads in 3 coin flips 
    • X represents any value from sample space {0, 1, 2 or 3)
  • An observation is a realization of random variable
    • Let x be an observed number of heads in 3 coin tosses, eg x = 0

Bernuolli Trials:

  • Random trial with two outcomes. Eg. Success or Failure. 
  • Random variable X often coded as 0 (Failure) and 1 (Success)
  • Bernuolli Trail has probability of success usually denoted p. Eg. P (Success) = p (x =1) = p 
  • Accordingly, probability of failure (1 – p) is usually denoted q = 1 - p. 
  • Eg. p (Failure) = 1 – p = q 
  • Probability of Bernuolli’s Distribution is: 
  • Where x can be zero or one
  • The Binomial Distribution which consists of a fixed number of statistically independent Bernoulli trials

Binomial Distributing Function:

Poisson Random Variable:

Poisson random variable represents the number of independent events that occur randomly over unit of times 

  • Number of calls to a call centre in an hour 
  • Number of floods in a river in a year 
  • Number of misprint in a page
  • Count number of times as event occur during a given unit of measurement (e.g. time, area). 
  • Number of events that occur in one unit is independent of other units. 
  • Probability that events occurs over given unit is identical for all units (constant rate) 
  • Events occur randomly 
  • Expected number of events (rate) in each unit is denoted by λ (lambda)
Poisson Distribution:
  • Let x be Poisson random variable for number of independent events over unit of measurements. 
  • To define probability distribution need to know: rate of unit occurrence per unit - λ .

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