Saturday 1 September 2012

Chi-square Hypothesis Testing

The major characteristics of the chi-square distribution are
  • It is positive skewed
  • It is non-negative
  • It is based on degrees of freedom
  • When the degrees of freedom change a new distribution is created
Hypothesis testing consists of five steps.
  • State Null and alternative hypothesis
  • Write down relevant data, select a level of significance
  • Identify and compute the test statistic x2 to be used in testing they hypothesis.
  • Compute the Critical values x2 C
  • Based on the sample arrive a decision
  • Use the following formula for test stastistic x2 values as follows:

  • Where f0 is the observed frequency and fe is the excepted frequency
  • Then the critical values are determined
  • Chi-square distribution is a family of distribution but each distribution has a different shape depending on the degrees of freedom, df.
  • The data are often presented in a table format. if starting with raw data on two variables, a table must be created first.
  • Columns are scores of the independent variable.
    • There will be as many columns as there are scores in the independent variable.
  • Rows are scores of the dependent variable.
    • There will be as many rows as there are scores on the dependent variable.

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